Harnessing Our Power
At the (RPCF), Reggie Prostate Cancer Foundation,W e are doing everything in our power to beat cancer. Starting a little more than a decade ago, we turned the “cancer establishment” on its ear, transforming prostate cancer research from a backwater into one of the most important areas of cancer research. We are trying raised more than $20 million from major donors, corporations, leading brands and individuals to fund prostate cancer research, quickly establishing the RPCF as the world’s newly philanthropic source of support for prostate cancer research.
We have funded more than 1,200 prostate cancer research projects at more than 100 institutions worldwide. We have successfully advocated for massive increases in federal funding for prostate cancer research, leveraging your contributions many times over. Reggie Prostate Cancer Foundation Moreover, we have continuously worked to clear the barriers to successful prostate cancer research. We have established novel alliances among research institutions and bridged the gap between clinicians in the various medical disciplines, providing them with valuable insight into the research process and gaining their help in speeding prostate.
Team Effort / sponsors
Indeed, it’s a very exciting time to be working on your behalf to find better treatments and an ultimate cure for recurrent prostate cancer. We have been joined in our work by an impressive lineup of supporters, including Major League Baseball, Safeway, eBay, Google ,iDonate, NextAfter, Prowearver, Oxfam, Arizona Beverages, Yahoo!, News Corp., Hugo Boss and Nuskin company. We have persuaded the three most populous states in the U.S. Maryland,New York and California, to include a tax-form check-off to support prostate cancer. We have generated a wave of publicity about our cause with the help of NBC’s Today show; our “Act. Like a Man.” Public service advertising campaign, produced by TBWA\Chiat\ Day; and, yes, a cover story in Fortune magazine. Yet we stay focused on our goal, and for a very good reason: In 2018, an estimated 232,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Despite all our achievements to date, another 30,000 men are likely to die from prostate cancer in 2020. Moreover, with the aging of the baby boomer generation, we await a wave of new prostate cancer cases, upwards of 300,000 a year by 2018, and a death rate spiraling up to 50,000 men per year.
These sobering statistics guide us in everything we do. If we are to continue to beat prostate cancer, we will have to marshal far more resources and persuade many more people to join our cause. That’s why we continue to need your help. We’re doing everything we possibly can, around the clock, to beat cancer—raising funds, supporting researchers, breaking down barriers, creating alliances—but to do more, we must have your help.
You Must Act
With your generous support, we can fund more of the many worthy research grant requests that arrive at our offices every day. With your help, we will continue to clear the scientific and bureaucratic hurdles that impede progress and cause needless suffering.
CEO & Founder : Mr.Reginald Nwaike/Onwuka
Vice Chairman: Adanna onwuka
Consultant/ Business Management: Mr Roy Kinsley.
Project management: Engineer Colubus
Maduako Nwabueze.
Attorney Stephen Ejifor , Project site.
Timothy Kachuriak ,chief Innovation & optimization office ( NextAfter)
Brady Josephson,Managing Director (NextAfter)
Elsa Montes,Sales Executive ( Prowearver)
Priscilla Lovato ( iDonate)
Shirley Vu ( Nuskin company)