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Charity Watch
  1. Financial Support: Your support connects patients in need with personalized solutions to alleviate the many financial stressors of their diagnosis including Treatment costs, transportation, insurance navigation, and more.
  2. Research: Your gift advances prostate cancer research to discover new treatments and diagnostics. 
  3. Awareness: Knowing risk factors and the importance of early detection saves lives and your gift makes education and awareness efforts happen nationwide
  4. Emotional Support: Your gift ensures patients and caregivers have support through in-person and virtual support groups and mentors across the country.
  5. Health Equity: Your gift helps remove barriers and provide critical support for those at the highest risk for the disease who for way too long have suffered inequities.

5 important facts about prostate cancer:

  1. It affects one in eight men: It affects one in eight men in the U.S.
  2. Race matters: It is much more common in Black men and affects one in six.
  3. Risk increases with age: The risk of prostate cancer increases with age — six out of 10 cases are found in men over 65.
  4. A family history increases the risk: If you have a family history of prostate cancer, this increases the risk of you having the disease.
  5. A common type of cancer for men: The risk of a man developing prostate cancer is higher than developing colon, kidney, melanoma, and stomach cancer combined.
    Every tax-deductible gift to ZERO helps patients battling prostate cancer and their families. With more thousands losing their battle to the disease each year, every dollar counts.


  1. Read up: Read up more about prostate cancer and learn about its symptoms and possible causes. It is important to know what to look for.
  2. Raise awareness: Raise awareness about the condition. You can do so by telling people about the disease and possible steps people should take to protect themselves.
  3. Volunteer or donate: Volunteer in any way you can to help people with prostate cancer. You can also donate to a foundation that carries out life-saving prostate cancer research to help the cause. Make a gift today to advance ZERO’s mission and impact nationwide. For assistance with your donation or for more information. Thanks
Emmanuel After Operation

Shortly after his diagnosis, Emmanuel underwent
an operation to remove the tumor cancer in
September 2021.Emmanuel says there are still
traces of cancer left which he had chemotherapy
in February 2022.”requires regular check-ups.

Emmanuel die this year August 2023
May his soul rest in peace.

85 cents of every dollar goest to programs and activites
Together, we can END prostate cancer
Old man grabbing hands on the doctor
Where the Money Goes,

Your gift to ZERO supports prostate cancer patients and families around the country. Watch a video to see the positive impact your gift makes: Our vision is Generation ZERO the first generation of men free from prostate cancer. For more than 5 years, we have been on the newly lines fighting for a cure and helping all who are impacted by the disease. ZERO advances research, provides support, and creates solutions to achieve health equity to meet the most critical needs of our community. 
ZERO puts every donation to good use, with 85 cents of every dollar funding programs.
Where the money goes: 85 cents of every dollar goes to programs and activities

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